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WHAT: The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI) has announced its 2018 ‘Science Meets Music’ schedule. ‘Science Meets Music’ aims to bring the community together for a night of virtuosic music and scientific discovery, offering guests performances by talented young musicians accompanied by lectures from scientists who are experts in their field.

WHO: Dr. Stefan Hell, Director, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry and 2014 Nobel Laureate, will discuss the new field of imaging known as nanoscopy with his presentation entitled “The Resolution Revolution.” This significant advancement in research, which earned his Noble Prize for Chemistry in 2014, allows researchers to see things they’ve never been able to, like how molecules build connections between nerve cells in the brain or the interactions between proteins involved in Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease.

Following Dr. Hell’s presentation, enjoy a musical performance by Finnish-Dutch cellist Jonathan Roozeman from the Kronberg Academy. In 2013 he was awarded a special prize at the Finnish National Cello Competition and won sixth prize in the 2015 International Tchaikovsky Competition – as the youngest participant ever. Jonathan Roozeman has performed at numerous international chamber and music festivals and plays a cello by David Tecchler from 1707, which is on loan to him by the Finnish Culture Foundation.

WHEN: Wednesday January 31, 2018

Reception begins at 5:30 PM, science and music presentation will begin at 6:15 PM

Additional presentations will be held on:

  • March 28, 2018 – Dr. Jason Christie: Research Group Leader, Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
  • April 18, 2018 – Dr. Manfred Gahr: Director, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology

WHERE: The Benjamin Upper School; 4875 Grandiflora Road; Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

HOW MUCH: Free admission; seating is limited, so RSVP is required

MORE INFO: RSVP at http://mpfi.org/rsvpsmm or call 561-972-9027 for more information


“To my knowledge, there is nothing else like our Science Meets Music program – not in La Jolla, not in Silicon Valley and not in the northeast. This program offers a unique opportunity to explore similarities between the awe-inspiring attributes of both science and music while learning more about how scientists and musicians alike are breaking toward new frontiers.”


  • said Dr. David Fitzpatrick, MPFI CEO and Scientific Director, when welcoming the crowd at the first SMM in the 2016 – 2017 season


About the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience

The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI), a not-for-profit research organization, is part of the world-renowned Max Planck Society, Germany’s most successful research organization with over 80 institutes worldwide. Since its establishment in 1948, 18 Nobel laureates have emerged from the ranks of its scientists. It has produced over 15,000 publications, more than 3,000 inventions and over 90 spin-off companies, putting it on par with the best and most prestigious research institutions in the world. As its first U.S. institution, MPFI brings together exceptional neuroscientists from around the world to answer fundamental questions about brain development and function and to develop new technologies that make groundbreaking scientific discoveries possible. Their research is shared publicly with scholars, universities and other organizations around the globe, providing the necessary foundation of knowledge to develop treatments and cures for brain disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. For more information, visit www.maxplanckflorida.org.